
my month in numbers

I haven't kept that promise to document my Caligulan efforts of lunching in downtown Seattle. Actually, I haven't documented any efforts period. As many and most of you know, I began my new and improved life exactly one month ago today. So to bring everyone up to speed in the most efficient and thorough way, I've decided to present my life in numbers, which should be of particular interest to my analytical friends. Without further ado, please enjoy the fun facts of my life over the past 31 days.

  • Company BBQ's attended in Shoreline: 1
  • Times cried while watching the Eat, Pray, Love trailer: every single time (which is a lot)
  • Number of times I would have rather had a beer than go to yoga: 15 out of 15
  • Number of times I actually had a beer instead of going to yoga: 1 out of 15
  • Articles of clothing purchased: I cannot divulge this number at risk of being strangled
  • Number of movies seen about a crazy German doctor who wants to make a human centipede: 1. See also: too many
  • Baristas who know my name and beverage preference at Starbucks: 3 (Holla to Kuika, Chris and Erica!! Best baristas ever!!)
  • Revelations had: 1. Interview with a Vampire is overtly homoerotic
  • Number of times my jaw locked whilst I was trying to eat a cob of corn: 1. Specifically, right now
  • Number of new friends made: A bushel and a peck
  • Number of friends lost: one.
  • Number of tweets on twitter: 1. it was about cheese
  • Number of nights I've dreamed about work: Practically every single one
  • Number of times my brain was broken: 2. Once by a computer and once by Inception
  • Number of work parties attended: More in the past month than my entire four years at ADW. No joke
  • Number of times I've gone to karaoke: 3
  • Number of times I've worn the same outfit more than once: 0. Would you expect anything different?
  • Number of dressing rooms I've been in that smelled of unkempt vagina: 1. ew
  • Number of times I've missed the express bus heading home: Every single time I wanted to take it
  • Amount of money spent at Starbucks: It's a number that both horrifies and amazes me
  • Number of missed calls: 56. I'll call you all back, I promise
  • Number of times I turned off the alarm instead of hitting snooze: 1
  • Number of winery release parties for which I've volunteered: 1
  • Number of character assassination attempts on me: 1
  • Number of character assassination attempts on others: 0
  • Pairs of earrings purchased: 3
  • Bottles of apple juice consumed: 4 gallons
  • Bottles of wine consumed: 20. That number may or may not be higher or lower than it should be
  • Number of times Puffy peed on my pillow: 17 more times than she should have. I wish I were exaggerating
  • Number of times I've been out shopping at 7am: 1 in a store. Much more online
  • Number of concerts attended: 1
  • Number of roadhouses visited: See above
  • Number of books read: 2. Fine. 1. Better than 0, right?
  • Number of times the bus driver actually wouldn't let me on: 1. Rude
  • Number of cats given a bath: 1
  • Number of times I went back to Delicatus after blogging about it: 4
  • Number of girl's night parties: 1
  • Number of facials: 1
  • Number of times I've been back to Issaquah: 0
  • Number of times I've been sad about that: 0
  • % of occupational fulfillment I feel: 100
Please note that this is by no means a complete list. However, it will hopefully help you better understand where I've been, what I've been up to, and why I haven't been on here as often as I would like to be.

Thanks for popping by.


  1. I can't believe it you didn't notice the homoeroticism until now?!?

  2. 17?! oh my. oh my oh my oh my.


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