“Ohhhhhhhh we’re half way there. Ohhhhhhhhh-wo, we’re livin’ on a prayer!” I sang to myself as sweat pooled on my mat and towel, my arms locked out like a vice with my head in between and my right leg burning as it reached toward the back wall. This is Tulandasana (the balancing stick) and what Bikram refers to as a self-induced mini heart attack in order to avoid the big one.
As of late I’ve been trying to reconcile the mind-body disconnect, which I touched on briefly yesterday. My fatigue seems more mental than anything else so I decided last night to force my mind to listen to my body- and not the other way around. And you know what? It worked. I concentrated steadily on my calculated and even inhalations and exhalations and just let my body embrace the positions with which it had become so corporeally familiar without my ego getting in the way.
During Trikanasana (the triangle), known as the “Master Standing Posture” and the crescendo of the standing series, I became uncomfortable and told myself to lie down but after some struggle my body persevered. I deepened my squat and reached my arm up with complete physical ease despite my mind’s whiny protestations. Ever supportive, Penni piped in “You’ve got this, Heidi.” And she’s right: so far, I do.
15 down, 15 to go.
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