

(friendly note: As those of you who read my blog know, I have a tendency to be all over the map (subjectively speaking). I appreciate your tolerance of this fact since I am, after all, wayward and full of whimsy...that's why you love me, right?)

I've been working downtown for just over one week and, having the proclivity for dining out that I do, am already discovering that this will prove to be problematic for both my waistline and my pocketbook. Minor details... If I AM going to the poorhouse (or Dress Barn as the case may be), I might as well document my Caligulan efforts along the way.

I got wind of Delicatus from my friend Brian-- He mentioned it was a new sandwich joint in Pioneer Square that was comparable to Salumi. Loving cured meats (and Salumi) as much as I do, I knew I needed to check out this restaurant forthwith. At 11am I perused the menu and called in my order so that I might avoid any lengthy lunchtime queues. (http://www.delicatusseattle.com/menu.aspx)

After reading the menu, I was obsessed. I thought to myself that I must go there for lunch. Every. Single. Day. (And for the rest of my life.)

Delicatus prides itself on quality, local and artisan ingredients. With that fact in mind, $8 for a sandwich seemed pretty reasonable to me. The menu ranges from traditional sandwiches to more Avant Garde selections (as they refer to the choices on their menu: "Traditionalists" and "Progressives"). On that particular day, I chose the Pavo Diablo, which consisted of hickory smoked turkey, sliced avocado, spinach, cilantro, havarti, spicy chipotle aioli and roasted poblano peppers on sourdough bread. Included with each sandwich is a side of home made potato chips (which could be switched up for cole slaw or potato salad for less than one dollar...).

Finally, the time had arrived for me to procure the aforementioned sandwich. I strolled a few blocks and arrived at my destination. Nestled next to the Rocky Mountain Candy Company, Delicatus blends in to its surroundings. It is totally charming and combines that elusively cool brand of historical meets timeless, yet careless, chic.

Upon entering, I was greeted by a friendly staff and welcoming space. Delicatus features seating both up and downstairs. Tucked away in the corner of the restaurant I noticed a cozy, unoccupied bar. I made a mental note to return with Brian as soon as possible.

Once I paid my bill and snapped a few pics, I all but ran back to the office. The smells issuing forth from my brown paper bag were dizzying and overwhelming. Unfortunately, due to my ravenous appetite, the sandwich didn't survive long enough for its mugshot. But trust me. I'll be back.


the journey begins...

I just washed the city off of my feet-- spending a good five minutes scrubbing off the sediment from traversing downtown Seattle. Having comfortably ensconced myself in the bucolic commute to Issaquah, I had forgotten the grittiness of the city. But it was waiting for me: unchanged and unforgiving.

Today, I was born. I woke up kind of confused and numb- immediately realizing how familiar my life had become and how much we (at least I) appreciate that familiarity. I began my new job in a field that I've always hoped to be in, but I'm still scared senseless nonetheless. I thought for sure by now I ought to know who I am. And I do, I suppose- but when I cast myself into a situation where everything is completely foreign I start second guessing my every move. Am I still clever? Am I still sharp enough to learn new things?

I'd have been a perfect candidate for communism this morning: I was a complete and utter blank slate. I was outside of my wheelhouse and I felt every moment, every breath and every horn around me. As I stood waiting for the bus, a task which I've somehow managed to avoid my entire 29 years, I felt like I stood out like a sore thumb. People just knew I was an interloper- I was sure of it. I blanked on the order of city streets, which I used to know so well. What if I miss my stop? What if I wind up in Fife, or something?

I didn't. The siren song of Starbucks sang out to me from the glorious corner of First and Yesler. I understood my purpose and my direction: a Grande Soy Misto with two raw sugars. I held it in front of myself like a security blanket. It legitimized me. It meant I was where I was supposed to be. Three blocks later, I arrived at my building. Without a moment's hesitation, I opened the door, walked through and strode to the elevator with purpose. If I look like I know the score, people will believe me. Right?

The world of my new company is the absolute antithesis of my previous place of employment. It is young, hip, intellectual, liberal, warm, and fun. There is Pabst in the fridge- it's like they knew I was coming.

The day was rife with learning and introductions-- and I had to constantly remind myself not to question my every move. For the time being I'm just going to sit tight, enjoy the ride and keep on looking straight ahead.


all the best

I’m feeling moody and reflective—waves of emotion washing over me from one hundred different directions as I prepare to emancipate myself from the shackles of my quotidian woes.

I’ve been saying it for a while, but everything that is meant to happen will—and everything that is supposed to happen does. Take that thought with a spoonful of triteness if you’d like—but my life so far has proved that to be the case. Everything I do, and every person I encounter has lead me quite specifically to something or somewhere else. I won’t bore you with the details of how I arrived at point b from point a…but life is really all about the journey.

I’m grateful for the past (almost) four years I’ve been hunkered down in Issaquah because I’ve met people who will be indispensible to me for the rest of my life (certain adult children excluded). I have amassed memories that are good, bad, and embarrassing. It’s vain, I know—but I can’t help but wonder how and if I’ll be remembered. Will people miss me? Will my co-workers cast longing glances at my empty cube space and wonder what I’m up to? Will those familiar strangers with whom I’ve never spoke but always shared a friendly smile wonder what’s become of me? I was trying to work through these musings with my girlfriend Stephanie while we were out at coffee and she summed it up in the most brazen way- but I’m not sure that I agree: “If I left the office today no one would give a crap (edited for public consumption). And you know what? Neither would I.”

In life, I try to leave a positive impact wherever I go: whether it’s bringing levity to a situation, offering advice, or simply complimenting a friend’s outfit (I’m really good at this). As I move on to this next chapter I’m sure an entirely new cast of characters will unfurl before me in a rich tapestry but in the interim I wanted to note how appreciative I am of every foil thus far. To all those who I’ve known and may never know again—I wish them all the best.


keeping it classy

It's not often we're lucky enough to catch a glimpse of our co-worker's true feelings for us. Today, that fortuitous moment came for me when a co-worker (a 37 year old adult child) inadvertently sent an email about me....to me. It could not have come at a more perfect time considering the fact that I'm on my way out the door in t minus three work days. I'll let the email correspondence speak for itself, for fear I'll say too much and might sour its brilliance.

And now, for your enjoyment....Take a peek at the glorious inner-workings of a corporate environment.

I chose not to respond to her last bit of correspondence. I know I'm not always successful in my endeavor, but I feel as though it's important to keep it classy as much as and whenever possible. To me, seeing this was on the one hand completely hysterical, and on the other- a little disheartening. I hope I don't sound bitter in talking about this strange little passing of events
because that's not at all the case.

Receiving the aforementioned unsolicited email was a great lesson for me. I've always been a people pleaser, have wanted people to like me and would always go to great lengths to ensure that that happened. It's taken me a long time to realize that you can't please everyone and not everyone is going to like you- no matter what you do. And you know what? I'm okay with that.


words of wisdom from the cube

Leaving a post that I've been guarding for four years feels completely surreal and I still can't quite get my head around the fact that I will actually, literally be leaving. For the next installment of blog posts, I'll be dredging up the past to tell stories of my co-workers, my routines, and my life within these dilapidated cubicle walls.

I've spent much of my morning today going through drawers and packing up cube flair so that I might leave the office unfettered on my final day next week. Each picture brings up a memory, each note- a crestfallen laugh. Taped all around my computer are the below quotes, which have shepherded me through my journey here:

No coward soul is mine,
No trembler in the world's storm-troubled sphere:
I see Heaven's glories shine,
And faith shines equal, arming me from fear.
-Emily Bronte

Search others for their virtues, thyself for they vices.
-Benjamin Franklin

In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different.
-Coco Chanel

The tragedy of life is not so much what men suffer, but rather what they miss.
-Thomas Carlyle

Silly things do cease to be silly if they are done by sensible people in an impudent way.
-Jane Austen

Find something you're passionate about and keep tremendously interested in it.
-Julia Child


It's funny how quotes I've accumulated from my Franklin-Covey planner through the years flow so seamlessly to one absolute truth: Live honest, live humble, live well- and lead a life with no regrets.


productivity levels are tanking....

I'm exaggerating, obviously. Anyone who knows me knows that I come from hard-working Eastern European stock and will work my tail off to the bitter end. I think it's important to walk away from something knowing that I gave it my all and can leave with my head held high.

That being said, my attention started to fade during a meeting I had this morning. I blame it on six shots of espresso-- and no, this time I'm not exaggerating.

I started remembering what Brett said a few days ago about barbecuing chicken while I was at yoga. Puff and Pi were all over him like zombies- so delicious was the smell of the cooking flesh. Before I knew it, my notes turned into the below:


pluto got screwed

My girlfriend Kristin and I were partaking of a celebratory lunch at Q'doba (more on the reasons for celebrating later...) and the discussion of starfish came up. I'm not sure how we start talking about the things we do, but that's not the point. Apparently starfish are no longer actually called starfish, but rather seastars? When did this happen and why did I not get the memo? Why are we renaming things? Is "starfish" really that confusing of an appellation?

This got me to thinking about Pluto. I know it's not breaking news that Pluto is no longer a planet, but this is in the same vein as changing something's name... Here we are giving Pluto this awesome "planet" badge, and then we rip it off his chest. Isn't that kind of like Jay Leno taking back The Tonight Show? Let's all take a moment for Pluto.


planning ahead to live in the moment

I breeze through the days, sheltered in the eye of a hurricane. Life spinning around me so quickly that everything has blurred…nothing has clarity or weight but instead simply floats in and drifts by before it can actually resonate.


I'm definitely thinking I bit off more than I can chew in taking a second job-- my lack of updates only a testament to this fact. Obviously, I've always been a busy body. Now this busy bodiness has grown to epic proportions. With that being said, I think it's time to evolutionize the nature of my blog. As you all know, I have a proclivity to bloviate. Unfortunately for me, bloviating takes time (of which I have precious little.) So henceforth, I will modify my posts to be quips, observations, and Cliff's Notes on my day.

I wouldn't want you all to forget about me! More importantly, I don't want to forget about myself....