
30 Day Challenge- You are my sunshine

Day 17- February 12th

I suppose it only makes sense that since my yoga provides me with so much light that I consider it to be my sunshine as well. As I boldly make my way into the thick of this challenge, it strikes me that yoga IS my sun. Over the past 17 days, every little action, no matter how inconsequential, has begun to orbit around practice-- every plan I make is contingent on my ability to go. The questioning as to whether or not I should stay home and laze about or go to yoga has finally dissolved. As surely as the sun will rise, so too shall I be at my Friday night practice.

After the doldrums of the work week drew to a close, I rushed home to squeeze in a few viewings of my absolute favorite new program: Be Good Johnny Weir, a reality show on the Sundance Channel. I'm not terribly abreast of the goings-on in the ice skating world, but when I happened upon an irreverant advertisement of his show within the beloved pages of my Us Weekly, I was intrigued. The series kicked off with his documentary "Pop Star on Ice" and thanks to On Demand, I was able to watch the first three episodes of the season. Johnny is completely amazing and I am totally in love with him-- he is eloquent, refined, witty, controversial, fashion forward and passionate.

Before I knew it, it was time to prepare for my Friday night sweat session with Saiko. I chugged down my electrolyte cocktail, gathered my towels and outfit, kissed Brett on the cheek and then hopped into the car.

The heat was stifling. I curled up in a ball on my side and imagined that I was in a tropical locale--the sun beating down on me and filling me with warmth. Before too long, Saiko entered the room, raised the lights, and calmy guided me and 20 others through practice. She mentioned discipline toward the end, which really resonated with me. She praised us all with our fortitude to have made it into the studio on Friday night. We were there and we were committed.

With each moment that passes in this 30 day challenge, my discipline grows-- its roots deepening and leaves blossoming. I stand stronger, more focused, more centered and happy. I drifted home on a cloud that night to watch the Olympic ceremonies unfold- giddy with content, exhausted with accomplishment.

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